Friday was the Virginia Thompson's Halloween party. Dad got off work a couple of hours early so that we could be there at a decent time. When we got there everyone was already in costume and ready to party. Dad and I quickly got ready so we could join in the fun.
Here you see Gomez and Morticia Addams. (Don't you think Gomez looks a little like Hitler?)

Here is Batman Dark Knight.

Here we have a Jedi Warrior.

Here is a Halloween witch and a "disgruntled poet." (Ryan was in charge of the scavenger hunt, hence the "disgruntled" part. He did a great job!)

We started the party off with a delicious dinner of dinner in a pumpkin and homemade rootbeer.

While Ryan was hiding the clues for the scavenger hunt the boys got to work on painting their pumpkins. Then we played a little bit of murder in the dark. (Remember when that was Jordan's favorite game - we played it year round back then).

After the party was over we decided we needed one more group shot. We couldn't figure out the timer, however, so we took it twice. You can see that our disgruntled poet, is disgruntled no more. After the scavenger hunt was over he turned into "Skeletor."

Javin and Cael ready for some trick or treating!

Saturday was the ward "trunk or treat." It was a lot of fun. They had some great food, a pumpkin launch where they tried to see who could launch these tiny pumpkins the farthest. They had a huge double slingshot, and it was amazing to see how far these kids could throw those pumpkins. They also had all kinds of games: a palm reader (I really believe she knew what she was doing), face painting, story telling, "penny pinching" (they hid $10 worth of pennies in the straw and let the kids rip through it looking for the pennies), and "dry apple bobbing," (instead of apples in a barrel of water, they hung the apples from the trees and you had to try to grab them with your teeth). Then, there was the costume parade, and the actual trunk or treating. It was amazing how some of them had decorated their cars. Ryan really got into this with the kids. We were all pretty tired by the time we got home, but not too tired to go out and finish up the night with a little trick or treating.
Sunday morning when Cael got up he asked me if we were going to have another Halloween party. I told him "no, not until next year." He insisted that we should do it "just one more time, Pleeeese."
I love the costume! It looks like you had tons of fun at your party.
Sounds like a fun weekend. Everyone's costumes look great. Wish we could have all been together. Good job getting the pictures where you wanted them. They look great.
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