On our way out, the boys foud this Transformer model. I think they were more excited about that, than they were about any of the other planes.

Here is Dad in front of a cub. This is the other plane that he built.

For all those who remember dads airplanes that he built. He's standing in front of the Chipmunk. His looked exactly like the real one.

This is Javin and Cael standing in front of the space shuttle Enterprise. It was huge!

Here's Dad and the boys in front of a Pegasus missle. This is the missle project that Dad first worked on when he worked at Hercules.

Here we are in front of the Enola Gay. For those who don't know that is the plane that dropped the first atomic bomb that ended the war.

This is Dad in front of the p38. This is his favorite plane.

Here we are standing in front of a "space experience." You put on 3D glasses, and it simulates a spaceshuttle flight. The kids loved it! (Dad and Ryan preferred the flight simulator).

This is Javin and Cael in the Cessna. They loved this. They were actually moving the flaps, etc.

This is right in front of the entrance. Right behind us is a Blackbird. This is one of the largest planes here. It flies fast and high. According to the information given us, this plane went from L.A. to Washington D.C. in 1 hour 23 minutes.
This past weekend we went with Ryan and his family to the Dulles Air and Space Museum. It was amazing! I don't know that I've seen Ryan and Dad this excited in a long time. We were in line so the kids could sit in a Cessna, and play a little when we saw a flight simulator. Right after the Cessna, Dad and Ryan disappeared. Shantelle and I saw them standing in line for the flight simulator. They did it twice. You know what they say about boys and their toys. Besides the fun of the flight simulator, they also had dads favorite plane, a B38. He practically ran over so he could have his picture taken beside it. It was a ton of fun. Here's just a few of the pictures we took.
I'm impressed you actually got dad in pictures. Growing up dad was always the one taking the pictures. I remember those planes too, Addie really likes that you are in front of airplanes. While I'm typing she's asking for more airplane pictures.
I had forgotten about Dads model airplanes, but those airplanes brought back a flood of memories. Going to fly airplanes with Dad on Saturday mornings was so much fun!
Looks like another great weekend. There is so much to do there. I wish we were able to come out.
Love you guys!
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