On Sunday we went to church with them. They have an amazing ward. In relief society they asked anyone who had spent some time living out of the United States to stand, and just say where they had lived, and what they did there. I would bet that 90% of the women stood. Of that 90%, all but a couple of them had served missions. Shantelle was the only one in the group who had served in South America. I was the only one who had served in Sweden. The vast majority of the women had served in Asia and Europe. You might think that it wasn't a very large group of women, but they actually meet in the cultural hall because the relief society room isn't large enough.
After church we went home and, keeping up your dad's tradition, Ryan fixed Sunday dinner. Let me tell you, he is a much better cook than your mom. When he comes home for Christmas I vote we have Ryan make his pineapple curry for Sunday dinner. Sadly, we had to eat and run because dad has to be out the door by 5:30 each morning.
That's all right, because in just a few days we'll be back for more fun!
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